Church in Cruz Bay St John’s This is the beautiful church in the middle of Cruz Bay in St John’s USVI. I was struck by the juxtaposition of the red roof against the tropical greenery. For larger image click here.

Click here for a larger image There is beach in the bahamas Exuma near Staniel Cay. It’s Pig Beach where there are wild pigs you can swim with. Its quite a sight with some of the clearest turquoise water juxtaposed against some friendly swimming pigs. I hoped to capture it in paint. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Click here for a larger image. Every Summer the whole family goes to Hilton Head SC. The whole family, cousins, Grammy and Grandaddy, Sisters and Brother-n-laws. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Click here for a larger image. One day I want to live at the beach so I can see sunsets and sunrises everyday. For now I just have to paint them. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Click here for a larger image. Its a different World out on the Outter Banks. Its like your on the edge of the World. There is nothing else quite like it. You should go sometime in your life. For now you can check it out during sunset through Hatteras Sunset. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Click here for a larger image. Nothing makes you feel more like the beach than palm trees. I don’t have many palm trees where I live so when we travel to where palm trees are I am really excited. I painted these so I could have that tropical feel at home Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Click here to see a larger image. I painted this during a whole week of rain in Charlotte NC in the winter. I wanted to paint myself some warm weather so I went through my photos from where I traveled. Hopefully if you have some cold icky weather this painting will make you happy. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Beach Walk at Sunset Click here for a larger image. We went for a walk on the beach at Hilton near South Beach. As the sun was setting it cast a golden glow across everything but especially my daughter’s hair. Click here if you are interested in this painting.

Scott Beach St John’s All the beaches in St John are lovely. The water is crystal clear and the snorkling is wonderful. So if you are having a stressful day picture yourself in one of those chairs. It’s easier if you buy the paint though lol. 🙂 Click here for larger image.